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Showing posts from October, 2022

4 Reasons to Hire An Chartered Accountant Setting up Business

It’s good news that you are going to start your business. So, are you thinking of doing all official jobs alone? Do have previous experience in handling accounts and all? If you don’t have one, this is time to hire a chartered accountant. A chartered accountant like Chandan Agarwal in Kolkata can genuinely help your new business to step up the ladder of success. Chartered Accountant’s Role In this blog, we would know how a chartered accountant helps in setting up a business. Let us have a look, 1.     Planning Related to Business : A chartered accountant hardly makes mistakes to provide a financial prediction. He does it by counting on the current market, products, taxation policy, and so on. He uses his real-time experience plus knowledge to help his client in increasing the profit margin from the beginning of a business. 2.     Registration Process & Legal Structures : The company registration process goes simple when an experienced person takes care of it. Whether it is